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Versioning & Bundling 📦

fast-alfred provides a way to manage your workflow version automatically.

In order to sync the version across package.json and info.plist, just pass in to
fast-alfred the version you want to use:

npx fast-alfred -t 1.2.3 # Set the version to 1.2.3, creating a .alfredworkflow file

Versioning By Commits Using semantic-release 🔄

fast-alfred CI / CD template recommend you to work with semantic-release in order to track and manage your workflow version 🚀
You can find more details in the Semantic Release section.

See the CI / CD section for versioning integrations ✨


  • -t or --target-version: Set the version to use

  • --no-pack: Skip the packing process

  • -h or --help: Display help message

  • --verbose: Display verbose output

Released under the MIT License